Our Vision
We’re a Christian church in the centre of Woking, with a passion to see life transformed through Jesus.
We have a history stretching back to 1879, and our name reflects our vision to be a church that anyone can belong to, no matter your background, class, race or ethnicity. All welcome, just come as you are.
We are a passionate people! We're passionate about serving people in our community. We are passionate about learning and growing in our faith as a church family. But, most of all, we are passionate about loving people towards Jesus. We believe that every person and every part of life can be transformed through Jesus.
Our Partners
We belong to the Commission family of churches, placing us in relationship with over 300 churches in 15 nations. Through Commission we receive training and input, and in turn we resource and serve other churches. Each year we come together to celebrate with our Commission family at Commission Festival. As an evangelical church, we also belong to the Evangelical Alliance. We enjoy good relationships with other local churches through the ‘Churches Together in Woking’ network.
We partner with Christians Against Poverty (CAP), and Jubilee+ to be well resourced in serving our town. We partner with Woking Borough Council and other local agencies, to ensure our work has maximum impact for those who need it most.
We are also committed to having an impact on global poverty. As a partner of Compassion UK, Welcome Church sponsors over 280 children in Togo. This support will have a lasting impact on these children and their families, allowing them to escape the vicious cycle of poverty.
We Are An Eco Church
The Eco Church scheme is run by A Rocha and supported by Tearfund and other well-known Christian agencies. The scheme is robust, Christian-faith based, and the ‘go-to’ scheme for churches in the UK.
We are pleased to have received the Bronze Award. This is a great first step for us, and we’re making plans to go further, recognising the Biblical mandate that God has given us to care for our world.