Small Groups
You can’t know everyone, but everyone can be known
We believe that the church is the family of God and we want everyone at Welcome Church to feel that they belong. We also want to help everyone believe in Jesus, and become more like him.
In a church of our size, small groups are how we make this vision possible. We run two types of small groups: Lifegroups and Learngroups.
Lifegroups meet roughly once a fortnight and are built around family, fun and faith. We have over 40 groups running, spread right across the Woking area, and further afield. These groups meet on a variety of different days and times through the week, there's a group for everyone! We'd love to get you connected to a Lifegroup.
If you’d like to try out a Lifegroup, let us know by filling in this form.
Learngroups are short-term groups that we offer throughout the year. They focus on a specific area of growth, and allow people to learn alongside one another. Learngroups usually feature a combination of teaching & discussion, and run over 6-9 weeks. Within the last year we have offered the following Learngroups:
The Alpha Course
The Bible Course
The Prayer Course
Freedom in Christ
Parenting Courses (Primary & Secondary)
The Bereavement Journey
Transforming Work
Pre-Marriage & Marriage Courses